The Dos And Don’ts Of Packing For A Move: Advice From Experienced Sydney Movers And Packers

The Dos And Don’ts Of Packing For A Move: Advice From Experienced Sydney Movers And Packers

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Moving Company, Packing & Moving

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Moving to a new home can be an exciting but stressful and overwhelming adventure. Packaging your belongings effectively is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. We’ve gathered advice from experienced Sydney movers and packers to bring you the dos and don’ts of packing for a move.

The Dos of Packing:

Start Early: 

Begin packing well in advance of your move. Waiting until the last minute can lead to rushed decisions and disorganisation.


Before packing, go through your belongings and decide what you no longer need. Items you haven’t used in a while should be donated, sold, or thrown away. You’ll have to pack and unpack less as a result.

Get the Right Supplies: 

Invest in quality packing supplies, including sturdy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers for labelling. Having the right tools will make the packing process smoother.

Pack Room by Room: 

Divide your home into rooms and pack one room at a time. This method organises your belongings and makes unpacking at your new place easier.

Label Boxes Clearly: 

Use a labelling system to mark boxes with their contents and the room they belong to. This will save you time and effort when unpacking and finding specific items.

Pack Essentials Separately: 

Pack a separate box or bag with essentials you’ll need on the first day at your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, and any necessary medications.

The Don’ts of Packing:

Don’t Overload Boxes: 

While it might be tempting to fit as much as possible into a single box, overloading can break boxes and damage belongings. Keep boxes a manageable weight.

Avoid Mixing Items: 

Try to keep similar items together in the same box. Mixing items from different rooms can make unpacking confusing and time-consuming.

Don’t Forget to Protect Fragile Items: 

Glassware, crockery, and electronics are fragile objects requiring additional care. Wrap them in bubble wrap or packing paper and use plenty of cushioning to prevent breakage.

Don’t Leave Empty Spaces: 

Fill empty spaces in boxes with packing paper or other cushioning materials to prevent items from shifting during the move. Your belongings will be more secure from harm as a result.

Avoid Using Old or Damaged Boxes: 

Reusing old or damaged boxes may seem like a cost-saving measure, but it can lead to accidents. Invest in new, sturdy boxes to ensure the safety of your possessions.

Don’t Forget to Update Your Address: 

Before moving, update your address with the post office, banks, utility companies, and other important organisations. This will help ensure that your mail and services are redirected to your new address.

Avoid Rushing: 

Packing is a time-consuming process, so take your time with it. Take breaks to stay refreshed and focus on properly packing your belongings.

Following these dos and don’ts of packing for a move can make your relocation to a new home in Sydney or interstate a smoother and less stressful experience. Remember that proper planning and organisation are key to a successful move. Happy packing and moving!